This Is Our Country Too!
We are politically conservative, Bible-believing Christians. We are a reflection of the hopes and aspirations of our Founding Fathers. We pay our bills and buy our groceries without foodstamps (when we can). We believe in the Constitution, in prayer, and in a strong defensive military. We like small government and the right to speak our minds freely and defend our homes. We believe murders should be executed because God says so. We believe in saving the baby humans and outlawing abortion on demand. We don't believe in a Welfare State. We don't trust career politicians from any party. We don't want the federal government to make us all equal or control education (indoctrination). We don't believe in taxpayer-funded sin. We don't believe minority views should control all of us. We don't want a President who appeals to liberals and 'moderates'. We are the majority. This is our country too.