Sometimes I write lists. I write "to-do" lists, shopping lists, project lists, and people lists. I like having a visual reminder of what I want to accomplish. Generally, the lists contain more than I can actually accomplish, and most of them end up lost before I work all the way through them. This morning I found a previously lost list. It's a different sort of list. It's a list of changes I would make (or like to see made) in our government. We've fallen away from our principles, and new immoralities are filling the void. Some of my ideas may seem extreme, but what can I say? They are. They are also (I believe) better than where we are going now. So, here's my list... * We need to outlaw pornography, 'no-fault' divorce, sodomy, adultery, elective abortion, telemarketing, and personal income tax. * We need to enforce our immigration laws, demanding proof of citizenship and/or eligibility required for all employment, closing any buisiness knowlingly hi...