Things I Love About Olivia

I love my wife. Some of the things I love about Olivia are her...

...laugh, smile, spirit, passion, sense of humor, compassion, passion, desire to learn, heart, talent, intelligence, singing, creativity, photography, courage, friends, family, Gracey, story, heritage, faith, tenderness, feistiness, adventures, desire to travel, love for children, love for animals, love for Jesus, love for me, the small of her back, nicknames for everything, desire to help others, shoe size, belief in me, morning glories, tenaciousness, morality, modesty, artistry, thoughtful gifts, dreams, needs, differences from me, similarities to me, sense of contentment and appreciation, walks, encouragement, blogs, quirks, little flirts, face, eyes, style, outspokenness, honesty, thoughts on God, cooking, freckles, love for my family, songs, notes, notes from Gracey, dislike for just sitting around,...

Yeah, I love my wife.


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