Anticipation and the Day of Joy
I believe God loves me. I believe God is good. I believe God is faithful and will not fail to keep His promises. I believe God wants me to find Him in all the aspects of my life. I believe that my belief is not up to me; it is a gift from Him. I believe this gift is available to anyone who accepts it.
How it must break the heart of God when we refuse Him. It is not as if He needs us, or fears our rejection. God simply wants us. He created us for fellowship with Him. He loves us and knows that only He can fulfill us. Yet, God will not force us to find Him. "Love is not love unless it is chosen." Therefore, God restricts Himself, forcing Himself to wait and watch despite the longing of His heart for us to find our purpose and meaning in Him. He makes room for our free will, knowing that many of us will always choose something less. His heart breaks, but it breaks for us.
We're in a waiting time. Olivia and I have seen God fulfill so many of His promises. We've been so blessed! And, we continue to wait for Him to unwrap more of Himself for our amazement and enjoyment. We are happy, and thankful, but we can't get enough. It isn't just God's gifts, either, it's God Himself. It's seeing God glorified in our life together. It's getting a better look at who He is because of what He does. It's God that makes life exciting!
I know God uses our weaknesses to show His glory. God works in the cracks of our "earthen vessels" to shine forth His light. Still, we're praying for a time of fruitfulness. We're ready to see the results of the trials and hardships. I'm particularly ready to see the fruit of all God has allowed Olivia to got through begin to spring forth. There is a season for pruning and a season for harvest. There is a time for the root and a time for the blossom. There is a day for sorrow and a day for joy. God blesses us in both.
I believe God is faithful and will not fail to keep His promises.
How it must break the heart of God when we refuse Him. It is not as if He needs us, or fears our rejection. God simply wants us. He created us for fellowship with Him. He loves us and knows that only He can fulfill us. Yet, God will not force us to find Him. "Love is not love unless it is chosen." Therefore, God restricts Himself, forcing Himself to wait and watch despite the longing of His heart for us to find our purpose and meaning in Him. He makes room for our free will, knowing that many of us will always choose something less. His heart breaks, but it breaks for us.
We're in a waiting time. Olivia and I have seen God fulfill so many of His promises. We've been so blessed! And, we continue to wait for Him to unwrap more of Himself for our amazement and enjoyment. We are happy, and thankful, but we can't get enough. It isn't just God's gifts, either, it's God Himself. It's seeing God glorified in our life together. It's getting a better look at who He is because of what He does. It's God that makes life exciting!
I know God uses our weaknesses to show His glory. God works in the cracks of our "earthen vessels" to shine forth His light. Still, we're praying for a time of fruitfulness. We're ready to see the results of the trials and hardships. I'm particularly ready to see the fruit of all God has allowed Olivia to got through begin to spring forth. There is a season for pruning and a season for harvest. There is a time for the root and a time for the blossom. There is a day for sorrow and a day for joy. God blesses us in both.
I believe God is faithful and will not fail to keep His promises.