100 Days of Micah!

Here are my girls! Today is Micah Ahava Elise's 100th day!
So, what are some of our favorite things about Micah?
1. She is alive!
2. All her labs are normal
3. She is 5 1/2 pounds
4. She is awake a lot
5. She is breastfeeding 3 times a day
6. She is 14 weeks, 1 day (37 weeks, 5 days gestation)
7. Her steroids have stopped (really this time) with no signs of stress
8. She smiles
9. She makes sounds while she is eating
10. She burps!
11. Her eyes look good and healthy
12. She has a strong heart
13. She had a good echo-cardiogram
14. She squeaks
15. She follows you with her eyes
16. She likes to "nuggle"
17. She is progressing on her O2 support
18. She is strong
19. She is really cute!
20. She has done everything they have asked her to do
21. She already has lots of friends (including you!)
22. God has amazing plans for her life
23. She has 10 toes
24. She has daddy's hairline (temporarily)
25. She is an answer to prayer
26. She is evidence of God's faithfulness
27. She has a dog (Gracey)
28. She never talks bad about others
29. She can poop!
30. She is a great listener
31. She reminds me of her Mama
32. She likes my songs....

Well, you get the idea. I was going to come up with 100 things I like about Micah, but I'd rather go spend time with her while her Mama is feeding her. Thank you for checking in, and thank you for you prayers.


Eileen said…
I don't know if my previous comment went through so I'm going to comment again. I'm so happy to see that y'all are doing well. Micah has gotten so big- Madelene was that size not too long ago. Today she was 8 lbs 8 oz at the doctor (seems huge to us, but she's almost 5 months old!). I think about y'all often and will continue to pray for you. I hope our beautiful little miracles will be able to meet someday soon! ---Eileen
Anonymous said…
I can not wait to see her!! Or y'all. God richly supply all your needs and a few wants too!!! Love you lots!! GBarb
Stephanie said…
OH MY WORD!!!! WHERE HAVE I BEEN?!?! So I've obviously spent the last few hours catching up on your sweet baby's life! I'm in awe, shocked and don't know what to say besides the fact that she is beautiful and I'm thanking God over and over. I have so much to say to both of you but REALLY would love to talk to Liv is she has a minute. If she wouldn't mind emailing me her number I would LOVE to hear her sweet voice. Praying for you guys!!

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