Food, Inc. (not for the faint of . . . stomach)

This movie was not fun to watch, but it was very insightful. I recommend it if you have a strong stomach, but even then there are some scenes you may not be able to get out of your mind. For that reason, I don't think it's a movie for everyone. As a husband and now father who wants to protect and provide for my family, I want to know about how the food industry has conspired to undermine these basic desires. I'm glad I watched it, but I don't want Olivia to see it. It's raw and informative. It will upset you. It may inspire you to start a garden! Hopefully, it will change the way you shop and the way you eat, and that, in turn, may eventually change the system. I pray that it does.

Jesus may have declared all food clean (Mark 7:19), but that doesn't make it all good for you. Neither does it excuse the commercial, political, and ethical abuses in our current food system.


Olivia said…
Thanks for using the headset when you watched it.

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