This is Sanctification
I just read Olivia's latest blog and it got me thinking... It is in me to fight. I want to see righteousness prevail. I want to see truth proclaimed. I want to see evil opposed . I want to see the lies of the enemy uncovered and laid bare. As I walk I see so many people who are blind. They are being led down the quaint road to destruction. They don't know it. They believe they're ok . Sure, they aren't perfect, but neither it So-and-So. At least they're better than You-know-Who. But, So-and-So and You-know-Who aren't the standard; God is. It's His glory we were created to reflect. We don't. We need Him. We never stop needing Him. Whether we're completely separated from the Lord or have been walking with Him for years, we never stop needing Him. The same Grace that saves us, sustains us. The same Spirit that draws us in, leads us on. The same Jesus who calls us out, calls us forward after Him. The God who makes us, makes us more like Christ. This is ...