Amber Alert?

Today at work our store received a forward of an Amber Alert. The email provided a picture and told of a 13 year old girl who had been missing from her Philadelphia home for two weeks. It made me angry. Here we are waiting and praying for our Elora and people are stealing children all over our country! Personally, I believe kidnapping deserves the death penalty.

The Bible commands the death penalty for kidnapping (Exodus 21:16) It ranks it with murder (Exodus 21:12), bestiality (Exodus 22:19); adultery (Leviticus 20:10); homosexuality (Leviticus 20:13), being a false prophet (Deuteronomy 13:5), prostitution (Leviticus 21:9), witchcraft (Leviticus 20:27), killing an unborn baby (Exodus 21:22-25), and rape (Deuteronomy 22:24-25). The image of God is so sacred that He takes trespassing on that image deadly serious.

I've since discovered that the email was a 2 1/2 year old hoax! However, it got me thinking about how precious life is. While this situation was faked, thousands of others are tragically real. In fact, more people are trafficked as slaves today than at any other time in history! "Of the 800,000 children reported missing annually [in the U.S.], approximately 69,000 are abducted" (Kids Fighting Chance)

As human beings, we do horrible things to each other because of our sin, pain, and spiritual blindness. So, the next time you're leaving the grocery store or post office and glance at all the missing persons posters stop for a moment. Pray for the children pictured, for their families, for their abductors, for our nation, and for our world. Perhaps your prayers will move God to mercy for some of those lost children.


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