Why Don’t You Boycott Halloween?

Perhaps you’re not part of the growing minority?

Perhaps you didn’t know that Halloween isn’t something followers of Jesus should associate with?

Perhaps you didn’t know that...
...Jack-o-lanterns represent a wandering soul so evil that *atan wouldn’t let him into Hell?
...Halloween Costumes were originally worn to commit crimes without being recognized by demons?
...Trick-or-Treat was about buying protection from thugs who would kill your horse, rape your wife, or burn down your barn if you didn’t pay them?
...Dozens of children are sacrificed each year on Halloween by satanic cults in the a United States?
...The Bible specifically forbids God’s people from participating in the worship of the very demons who are celebrated on Halloween?
...The Founding Fathers of our country did not celebrate Halloween?
...Light and Dark should have nothing to do with each other?
...Halloween provides *atan with avenues of access into the souls of our children?
...Sometimes our kids NEED TO MISS OUT on things that dishonor God?
...Your celebration as a Christian of a satanic holy-day is statistically ineffective evangelistically and teaches our children that spiritual compromise is okay as long as its is fun?

If you are one of the millions of “Christians” in our country planning on participating in the festivities this week, then perhaps your don’t know it wasn’t a good idea?

I must assume this is the case. It seems too impossible that anyone could read the Bible, compare it to Halloween, and conclude that celebrating this demonic holy-day of sexual perversion, self-indulgence, and (yes) even modern-day child sacrifice is in the least bit okay. It seems impossible that you would deliberately choose to be a stumbling block to our children, a supporter of sin, and a mockery of Jesus. You must not know the truth. If you did, then it seems impossible that you can’t hear the Holy Spirit begging you to wake up and boycott Halloween!

Well, now you do know the truth. But, don’t take my word for it! Do the research, pray about it, and stop looking for excuses to make evil cute or okay (This includes Fall Festivals and Trunk-or-Treats). Ask God whether your choice honors Him. If not, why do it? Anybody can find excuses to sin if they want to.

Better yet, instead of asking why you SHOULDN’T participate (those reasons are fairly evident!), ask why you SHOULD. Why SHOULD you associate with the Christmas of Satan-worshippers? Why SahIULF you tell your kids it’s okay if you have doubts yourself? Why SHOULD you participate in rituals that recall demonic stories and criminal behavior? Why SHOULD you continue to lie to yourself and the Holy Spirit?

Most of you who celebrate Halloween do so because YOU WANT TO, not because you need to. My prayer is that you will realize that what you WANT doesn’t matter at all compared to what Jesus wants. My prayer is that you will help transform the minority into a majority and


Honestly, why wouldn’t you?


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