"Be still, and know that I am God." Sometimes it's difficult to just stop, isn't it? I know, for myself, I like to keep going, keep moving, keep working, keep pressing my life for all it's worth. Why do I do this? How has silence become so ominous to me? Why is stillness so hard? I don't mean inactivity. I can do that! I mean the sort of stillness that waits upon the LORD. It hasn't always been that way. There were season when I could just relax and let go, not worry about bills or schedules or making other people happy. I could just be. I could just listen and wait. I remember walking along a wall atop an ocean cliff as a child. I had no schedule, no concerns. All I had was time, the wall, and the ocean. It was a beautiful day, the sort of day that makes you believe in God. I could see the ocean bottom below the surface. It looked shallow, but it wasn't. I remember seeing two giant Sting Rays gliding above the coral reefs with their fins gent...