Mark 1 - Getting Right to the Preaching of Jesus

(This chapter ='s the material in Matthew 1-8.)

John brings a baptism "of repentance for the remission of sins" (v.4). Jesus brings the Holy Spirit. The 1st is good and necessary, but it isn't all God has for us.

Jesus begins his ministry in the context of persecution. His own victory over temptation, over His own flesh, enables Jesus to boldly preach "the gospel of the kingdom of God" (v.14). Notice in this chapter, the preaching of Jesus is not only in words.

Jesus defines everything He does as the preaching which is His purpose (v.38). It includes authoritative teaching (v.22, 27), casting out unclean spirits (v.23), calling others to follow Him (v.17, 20), healing and restoration (v.31), freeing the demon-possessed (v.34 [demons may be different than unclean spirits])., and spending time alone with the Father (v.35). It is this "preaching" (all of these proclamations) that He says he must do in the next towns "also" (v.38).

The word of Jesus' preaching is captured in verse 15.

1- The time is fulfilled; all of history points to this time in history. What God does here is the point of everything previous.

2- The kingdom of God is at hand; it is here, now, with Jesus. God rules and reigns (or should) on earth in the midst of the Body of Christ.

3- Repent; take hold of the remission of sins through confession of your fallen state and your need for change only God can bring.

4- Believe in the gospel; trust Jesus. Put your faith in Him.

[Also in this chapter:] Jesus silenced demons (who already knew who He was! v.34). Jesus was motivated by compassion (v.41) and touched the untouchables. Jesus had a plan, but was able to work around the faults of others (The healed man disobeyed Jesus' strict warning. v.43-45).


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