Matthew 27 - The Guilty

It is not enough to feel sorry for you sins. "Remorse" is not enough. If it were, we would not need Jesus to die. he could have called down His angels in the middle of verse 4, broken out of His bonds like Samson, and declared Judas forgiven. Rather, it takes death... innocent death... Jesus' death. we cannot fix it ourselves. we must be saved by Him.

The Jews:
Yes, the Romans crucified Jesus, but the Jews are also guilty. Theirs is the mob crying for His death. Theirs are the leaders mocking Him. Theirs the guards watching over the tomb. Theirs also the saints whose bodies [apparently] lay exposed for 3 days until Jesus was raised and they with Him to testify against their brethren (v.52-53).

The Romans:
Mocking, abusing, beating... keeping watch over an innocent man who refused to save Himself so that He might save others (v.42). They pretend innocence, but the blood of God does not wash away with water. Though they are puppets to their vassals [the Jews], they too are guilty.

[Notice the one person who wasn't guilty... Jesus.]


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