Matthew 16 - On Religion

False religion tests God in order to find fault with Him (v.1). It is insincere and self-serving. It is infectious, contaminating all it touches, as leaven in dough (v.11). It tried to have it both ways, speaking of Jesus while worshiping as it pleases (v.13). [Caesarea Phillipi was a cult center for pagan worship, even in Israel.]

True religion confesses that Jesus is "the Christ, the Son of the living God." This confession is the rock upon which the people of God are established. True religion is hated by the world (v.21), because it is powerful and effective (v.19). True religion is submissive to the will of God (v.23), not contrary to it (v.22). True religion is self-denying (v.24) and yet seeks God's greatest rewards (v.27). It preserves the soul first by sacrifice in order to find true life (v.25-6). True religion looks to the coming of Jesus, yet knows that "His Kingdom" (v.28) is already among us.

Religion is a matter of authority, sincerity, self, and Jesus [the Way, the Truth, the Life]. [note: sincerity alone is not enough] Here hinge False and True Religion.


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