Matthew 14 - Faith or ...
Herod: I have always heard that Herod had taken his brother's wife, which was unlawful. Yet, there may be a better explaination the situation. Herodius was a daughter of Herod the Great. Therefore, she was sister to both Herod and Philip. Neither could have her as wife because it was incest. [Thus, John's rebuke was about Philip. He would not have rebuked Herod in favor of Philip when Philip's marriage was also in sin.] Herod's hatred of John was not for himself, but for Philip. His family ties were more important than fearing God. He had no Faith.
Peter: The waves were already there, but when he focussed on them he lost his faith. Or, did he? It faltered but was it lost? The text says he was "beginning to sink." He did not just drop into the sea. And, what did he do? He re-focused on Jesus! He looked back to the source of his faith for renewal. [After all, it was when he saw Jesus the first time that he came up with the idea of walking on water to begin with.] A faltering faith is still faith. Doubt is not the absence of faith. Needing help with our faith is not the same thing as loosing it. [In fact, it may be a requirement for faith!] And, let's not forget that (with Jesus' hand) Peter also walked back to the boat on the water.
Peter: The waves were already there, but when he focussed on them he lost his faith. Or, did he? It faltered but was it lost? The text says he was "beginning to sink." He did not just drop into the sea. And, what did he do? He re-focused on Jesus! He looked back to the source of his faith for renewal. [After all, it was when he saw Jesus the first time that he came up with the idea of walking on water to begin with.] A faltering faith is still faith. Doubt is not the absence of faith. Needing help with our faith is not the same thing as loosing it. [In fact, it may be a requirement for faith!] And, let's not forget that (with Jesus' hand) Peter also walked back to the boat on the water.