Matthew 13 - The Sabbath is for Hearing

Jesus taught in parables. He said He had to (v. 12). He taught about the Kingdom and what He taught may be surprising.

In several parables, Jesus taught that the Kingdom will grow with both those who hear (v. 9, 43), who "understand" and "bear fruit" (v. 23), and those who do not believe. This seems to be one of the "things kept secret from the foundation of the world" (v. 35): You aren't "in" just because you show up.

Some of us are unfruitful (v.22), tares (v. 30), birds of the air (v. 32), leaven (v. 33), and "bad" catches (v. 48). [Scripturally, none of these things are good.] Those are allowed to remain for the sake of the true hearers, and perhaps some will become hearers [doers, believers] as well/ Perhaps they will also "sell all" (v. 44 & 45) for Jesus. Perhaps not.

These words can be offensive to us, if anyone but Jesus spoke them. But, there is a tag line to chapter 13, another Sabbath. And, the lesson of that Sabbath is that our offenses (our unbelief) is what keeps GOD from working, not the truth He teaches.


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