Matthew 3: Jesus' First Words

"Leave it now! For thus it becomes us to fulfill all righteousness."
(my translation)

These words are Jesus' first in the gospel. They are words of submission, of obedience. They are words spoken in order that Jesus might be identified with us in baptism. They are words spoken as a model for us that we might be identified with Him.

They are also authoritative words, spoken in the imperative (command) tense. Jesus orders John to stop arguing and just do what God has called him to do. There is no room for false humility, only obedience. This baptism is John's real ministry. It is how he is preparing "the way of the Lord." (v.3) His hesitation to baptize Jesus threatens the fulfillment of righteousness.

Thus, Jesus is obedient to God, without pretense. And, He requires similar obedience from us.


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