Matthew 1: Family

1) Family matters. Where Jesus came from was important. Without the lineage of Joseph (notice it was both adopted and valid), Jesus would not have been counted in the royal line. Without Joseph, Jesus would not (perhaps could not) have been Israel's king.

2) Joseph and Mary belonged to each other according to God's Word. Even as Bathsheba was always "of Uriah," so marriage is a permanent state of being joined together. This is a hard teaching in our culture, but we need it desperately.

[Thus far, I see only three means by which the bond of marriage is severed: Death - 1 Cor. 7:39; Adultery - Matt. 19:9; and Abandonment by an unbeliever - 1 Cor. 7:12-16. The first case is obvious. The second applies to the victim. The third case is the least certain to me regarding remarriage (because of v.16). Yet, God is gracious and my understanding is limited. There may be other reasons (like Abuse) that I don't see.]

3) Joseph, "her husband" already, loved Mary. So, he took time to think. He, called "son of David," was open to the LORD's voice. And, when he heard GOD speak, he listened to what He said.


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