4 More Years?

Four more years of American decline into socialism. Why?

I believe Mitt Romney lost yesterday's election because he wasn't a real choice. He wasn't a real conservative. He didn't ring true. His record and his words did not match. Conservatives didn't trust him, so many of them opted out. They know that a "moderate" Republican is really just a Democrat with an (R) behind his name. (Reports are already showing low participation for Evengelicals.) Romney simply didn't look much different than Mr. Obama. Probably because he isn't.

Now, don't hear me saying that I'm sorry (or happy) he lost. I didn't believe either candidate was what America needed. Not if we really care about the future of our country. Not if we want a President who understands his need for Jesus to lead our nation. Not if we hope to save our country from its politicians. Not if we want to stop pretending that this is a "Christian nation" and start trying to become a nation of Christians. No matter who won, I was worried either way. At least now conservatives in Congress can openly oppose the President because he isn't pretending to be one of them.

I believe it's time for a new strategy. I believe it's time for Christians to support candidates who uphold the Bible and the Constitution. They may be either a Republican or a Democrat, but in many cases a new choice is needed. I believe it's time to think outside of the 2-party box (our country was never intended to have that box anyway). That's why I voted for Constitution candidate, Virgil Goode. [Read their platform and see if it doesn't look like a better plan for our country than what either Democratic or Republican leadership propose.] I knew Mr. Goode wasn't going to win, but I want to be able to stand before God and say that His principles guided my choice; that I believed in more for my country than it believe in for itself.

Perhaps another four years of Obama (if our nation survives it) is God's grace to us so that we will see our error and turn to Him, trusting in Him rather than in men. Perhaps it is His wake up call to vote according to His Word, instead of by political party. Perhaps this is America's chance to see Obama's leadership for what it is, a strategy to destroy America and recreate it in his own image. Perhaps we need to see Socialism fail (as it has everywhere it has been tried) before we finally believe it won't work. Perhaps it is time (as it was with Lincoln for a new party to emerge.) Perhaps it would have been worse with Romney as President. (As a Mormon, the man believes he is a god!) Perhaps there is more going on than we realize.

Prophetically, Scripture tells us that America will turn from God. We will not follow Him forever. There will be a day when "all nations" (including us) turn against Him (and His people). That day is coming, and it is likely coming soon (though I hope for Grace). I want to be a voice against that rebellion. I want to be a voice that calls for humility and holiness; a return to God as individual men, women, and children created in God's image and loved by Him so much that He gave His one and only Son to die for our sins and offer us restoration. Our country will reject God, but I want to be a voice like Jeremiah's: calling for repentance, even if no one hears.

So, however you feel about this election, don't despair. "God is able to work all things to the good of those who love Hm, who are called according to His purposes." God cares for you. In fact, if you have trusted in Jesus as your Savior and Lord, He cares more for you individually and as part of His body than He does about all of America as a nation.

God spoke the following words over Israel, but I believe they apply to all who are grafted into Israel as well: “Since you are precious in My sight, since you are honored and I love you, I will give other men in your place and other peoples (nations) in exchange for your life." (Isaiah 43:4) From God's point of view, human nations are not eternal. They will not last forever, but you will. And, if Jesus is your true President, the true King of your Life, then you will live forever with Him.

Remember: Jesus is still in control. And, when Jesus is still in control, there is always hope.


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