We've had several "firsts" this week: first "rooming in," first time alone with Micah for both of us, first days with no tube feeding, first MRI (her doctor was amazed at how good Micah's brain looks), first weight of over 7 pounds (7 lbs, 1.1 oz.!), first trip outside the NICU (for the MRI), first meeting with Bea (the PEDIATRIC Nurse Practitioner in charge of pending dismissals)... We've also had several "lasts": last tube feeding (obviously), last eye appointment while we are here (everything looks good), last time with one of our favorite nurses, last day of decorations on the wall (because of a pending inspection), last trip to Abilene before we go home... We also had an almost first. We almost had our first vaccine, but felt a warning the Lord telling us not to do it. Vaccines are tricky. They are often referred to as "immunizations", but this is inaccurate because they do not guarantee any immunity (You have to search to ...