Olivia's Updates

Please visit Olivia's site for the latest updates. I am posting the links below. She will have more to write in the future, I am sure, and I will try to keep you posted.

Sorry I haven't been on myself recently; I'm just at that point. I am tired, and it takes all of my energy to keep up with life here, much less report on it. We continue to be so very thankful for your prayers, and need them now as much as we ever did. We especially need prayers in relation to Micah's caregivers. The doctors and nurses present themselves as "a team", all capable, and trustworthy with our daughter. But, this self-assessment is overly optimistic. In any group that large there are less capable people, and now that Micah is getting older and more stable, some of these have begun to be assigned to our daughter. Most are still fine, a few are fantastic, but a couple in particular have required our direct intervention. often, we just don't know what Micah's care will be like until it has already been assigned. It can be very stressful, especially since the more we grow to know our little Ahava, the more important these people are to us.

Olivia's Recent Posts:
The Hardest Thing
Super Squirrel


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