What if?

Where I work, there is always a TV on. If it weren't, I wouldn't watch it. I am daily thankful that we don't have it at home. Most of the time, the noise coming from that socially-engineered direction is completely foolish and often meaningless. Various false 'goddesses of culture' with their collectivistic talk shows harp about their opinions as if their opinions were the only ones that mattered. Meaningless and fanatical game shows and adulterous soap operas usually follow. Other noise describes renovations of such critical locations as the back porch that cost more than the average American makes in 10 years or feature a 3 million dollar, diamond encrusted vent-hood for the stove (coming to your local superstore soon!). Even the news isn't worth listening to, with its focus on our limited options as we consider our vote for the next President. The powers that be have determined that for the first time in our nation's history that I am aware of neither of the candidates is a Christian. One is the world's most influential socialistic, rock star, secretly-Muslim, gay activist. The other is a committed cult member who is about as conservative as a strip club. Both are scary for our country's future. (BTW, there are 49 registered political parties in the US, including the non-canditorial Conservative Party and the Constitution Party represented by candidate Virgil Goode.) And, when the news isn't talking about establishment politics, it focuses on the worst aspects of our nature: kidnapping, murder, adultery...

Here's where the "What if?" comes in.

What if?

What if we stopped playing by their rules?

What if we stopped listening to their propagandas?

What if we stopped deciding between the lesser of two evils, and made a real choice?

What if we demanded they give us our country back or determined to start a new one for ourselves?

What if we banished affirmative action, limited the federal government, and demanded national fiscal responsibility?

What if we treated homosexuality, abortion on demand, and adultery as sins instead of as choices?

What if we defended our borders, executed kidnappers, and banned the lottery?

What if we stopped telling our children they were amoebas and monkeys?

What if we repented and reaffirmed our identity as "under God"?

What if?


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