Poop Happens!

An Amazing Gift From An Amazing God

So, I couldn't resist the title, but I'm a little excited about it. Countless people were praying for it. Micah needed it before she could increase her food. We needed it for peace of mind. The doctors and nurses needed it in order to avoid a more serious intervention. And you needed it so I could write that clever blog title. Yup! "Poop Happens!" And (according to the nurse) it happened in a big way. Every time she wiped our little girl off, she'd poop another little drop, just as if to prove a point. So, thank you for praying for something so small, yet so significant. We missed the big event, but Olivia got a picture of a subsequent contribution. I thought of posting that photo here, but I don't want to become the embarrassing dad too quickly. Maybe we'll save it for her high school graduation, for when the boy comes over to pick her up for her first date (when she is 30!), or for her wedding montage. We'll see.

Micah has a lot of energy sometimes, which is both good and bad. It is good, because it shows that she is in this fight to win. But, it can also keep her from resting and growing the way she should. Tonight, Olivia and I sang to her and talked to her to calm her down. Maybe it was post-poop discomfort, but she could not find a position she liked. When she finally did, Olivia snapped the photo posted above. Of course, the photo is about 3 times a large as Micah is in real life. As my grandmother said yesterday, "You just can't imagine how small she really is from a picture."

God gave us a word about that through a friend: Micah is small, but God is big!


Kate Copenhaver said…
Awesome! Praying for you guys daily! Micah has been the background on my phone so I remember to pray for her often! So amazed at our awesome God and His gifts and you & Olivia's hope in Him!
Anonymous said…
Yay!!! Praying with you and for y'all from Camp Tejas!!! My family group LOVES her! And we are all praying for you three everyday together!!! I give them updates and we get excited together!!! They are going into their freshman year and are serious warriors and intercessors!!! Can't wait to see Micah again soon and read more Amazing updates from incredible and devoted dad and mom!! Love love love you!!!!
Love cap'n Amanda and the 13 Pirates of Camp Tejas!!!

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