1 Week and Counting...

Micah is already a week old! I can't even believe it. Olivia and I both got to touch her again today. My hands felt larger and clumsier than they probably ever have before in my life. The last 48 hours have been long and very busy. We are still getting used to life outside the hospital and Micah is still getting used to live outside of the womb. We are all adjusting, and all of us have good and bad days already.

Safe in Mama's Hands

Yesterday was a good day for Micah, but it was very difficult for us. It started early, with the disorientation of waking up without the hospital noises. In fact, we were so exhausted that we didn't even hear the alarm go off for the first midnight pumping. My poor Olivia was extremely sore after 7 hours without pumping for Micah. I felt so bad for her. My own weariness is starting to show: I kept misplacing things (especially my phone).

Micah fared better than we did. She finished her cardio treatment to help her body close off the neonatal artery between her Aorta and her Pulmonary Artery. This will help her regulated how much blood flows to her lungs and to the rest of her body. (Today we learned that the procedure seems to have worked.) She is such a strong little girl! The PDA (see last post) may open again in the future, but for now things look good.

Not everything always goes according to plan, however, and we had our first procedural set-back. We have been told to prepare ourselves for dozens of these. Early this morning they tried to put in a pick line (a more permanent form of IV), but it didn't work. They couldn't quite get it in far enough because Micah's veins are so small. So, they want to try again tomorrow. The nurses and doctors need access to Micah Ahava's blood for testing, and would rather not stick her over and over every day. They want her to rest and grow, and are trying to set her up for the long term as regards her comfort.

Also, Micah still needs to poop (so if you have never prayed for poop, here is your chance!). Her body simply isn't developed to the point where she would normally poop, so she is having to be coaxed along. She does have minor success when treated, but needs to be moving on her own before they can really start the two week process of adjusting her to Mama's milk.

Today we all did pretty well. Olivia and I worked well together, and didn't miss any "appointments." Micah's nurses continue to be amazed at how well she is doing and we regularly give Jesus all the credit. We absolutely could not do this without Him.  Of course, after the failed pick-line attempt, Micah slept most of the day. Altogether, it was a good day.

Thank you for your prayers.


rickblackington said…
May God bless you beyond your wildest dreams in this new adventure! I am so excited for you both!

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