I Believe

Belief is more about what you do than what you say. It is less about what you see in life, adn more about how you respond to what you see. Your actions give the best portrait of what you really value. When you look at the activity of your life, what does it tell you that you believe?

I believe in the God of the Bible, the 66 inspired books contained in the Old and New Testaments. These Scriptures are the heart and foundation of God’s special revelation to the world, and are trustworthy and true. I believe God has revealed himself in the Bible primarily as Creator/Father, Savior/Son, and Counselor/Holy Spirit. I believe we were created in the image of God, that we have all fallen short of his design for our lives, and that God loves us in spite of our rebellion. The greatest evidence of his love for us is the atoning sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary, which is the only means of salvation given to humanity. I believe Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a life free from sin, died for my sins, rose from the dead, intercedes at the right hand of the Father, and will return in glory to rule and reign on the earth. I believe he was and is fully God and fully man.

I also believe in the church, the believing fruit of the nations which has been grafted into God’s ancient promise to Abraham through Jesus. I believe in the church universal, being comprised of all the faithful across all ages, everyone who trusts in the salvation of God offered in Jesus and acknowledges him as Lord. I also believe in the church local, the congregation of believers at a specific time and place in history, called together for discipleship, communion, worship, exhortation, and equipping, that each member of the congregation might be empowered to fulfill his or her ministry in the body of Christ and in the wider world. I believe God appoints various offices of service to the church, ordinances to make it holy, and gifts for every believer according to his purposes.

I believe the Lord Jesus calls each of his followers to be a minister of his Gospel. There are no spectators in real Christianity. In our family, this means we participate in the life of our own congregation beyond Sunday morning worship, in particular areas. We also participate in ministry to others outside of our home congregation: I preach on rotation with City Light Inner City Ministries of First Baptist Church and as a supply preacher for smaller churches in our area. Olivia ministers with Gracey in the hospital near our home and leads in our family effort to minister to Foster Children. We both participate in outreach and missions efforts whenever we can afford to. We want to be a testimony of God’s grace and love to others and an example of biblical marriage. We do not do this perfectly. In Christ, I do not believe God requires perfection, only the will to obey all that our Lord and Savior commands. I also believe in working hard, trying to provide for my family, reading my Bible, Praying, and learning to love my wife as she needs to be loved. In it all, I believe God’s grace is still sufficient for us.

What do you believe?


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