Warming Up

Today I stretched a little when I woke up. You know, I touched my toes, pulled on my legs, twisted my body... I warmed up for the day. This is becoming more and more of a necessity as I mature. I used to be able to throw back flips without even thinking about it. Now, I don't even think about it.

I'm doing a lot of warming up these days. I'm warming up for our son: painting his room, buying his clothes, searching for addresses for people we haven't seen in a while. I'm warming up for school, in case that still happens: studying Hebrew and Greek once in a while. I'm warming up for ministry: working with some guys who need the Lord, remembering my heart for specific needs, and trying to be a better husband. And, I guess I'm also warming up for Eternity: reading my Bible, keeping my heart focused on Him, praying, working with my hands. Jesus is coming back, and this life is just seed time. The harvest is near, and the reward is everlasting.

Warming up for eternity... This also is becoming more and more a necessity as I mature.


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