I've been learning about Respect. Respect is showing honor or deference to another person because of their position, character, title, or behavior. As a Christian, I am called to show respect to other people. They are each created in the image of God, making human life sacred. They are each in need of grace, making real love possible. And, they are each capable of showing respect or refusing to show respect to me, making the respect I show a choice.

Jesus showed respect to those the world thought unworthy. Paul showed respect to the High Priest when he was being questioned. Mary showed respect to the angel as a representative of God. Daniel showed respect to the Babylonian King, even though he had sinned against God. Sarah showed respect to Abraham, even though he messed up sometimes. And, Noah showed respect to his generation by continuing to call them to repentance even though they were beyond hope.

God may be "no respecter of men" but He calls us to respect each other. In this way, we "love our neighbor as ourself." I need to be respected even when I don't deserve it. And, so do you. It is my responsibility to choose to be respectful to all people, even those who have hurt me, hurt my family, promoted sin, or even denied God. Because they are created in the image of God, they deserve my respect. And, because they are created in the image of God they can choose to disrespect me. Hopefully, by respecting them, they will choose to respect me, but that is not to be my concern.

It is not my responsibility to concern myself with the choice that others make. It is my responsibility to show respect to others. Some are going to be easy to respect: the saints of old, solid Christians, givers, friends, Olivia... Some are going to be difficult to respect: Hugh Heffner, Barak Obama, an angry customer at the store... But, if I'm going to be like Jesus, I'm going to show them respect, even as he did. (I believe he showed respect even to the Pharisees whom he called hypocrites, though I don't know exactly how it sounded. They were hypocrites, and he called them to truth under the direction of our loving God.)

I believe that respect evidences the fruit of the Spirit (love, peace, patience, self-control...), and I want this in my life. Lord, help me be a man who Respects.


WHITEShadow said…
I absolutely agree with you. I like your blog.

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