Why Mars?

Why go to Mars? According to one site the reason is "to search for evidence that elements crucial for life once existed on the planet." Astrobiology. Extraterrestrial. Origins of life. What's the connection? All of them are looking for evidence that the God of the Bible is not the creator of life, therefore bypassing our responsibility before Him!

You see, if the Bible is true, and we were created by God, then we are accountable to God for what we do and do not do with our life. If we live as He intends then we fulfill our purpose. However, if we live selfishly and rebel against Him, then we are sinners. This is the choice described by "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." God destined us to glory and we've chosen less; we've chosen ourselves.

But, people don't want to be accountable to God, because deep within us we know there is nothing we can do to make up for our sin. So, we try to explain God away using science and theory.

We're taught evolution in our schools, but what most of us don't realize is that the leading scientist no longer believe in evolution as it is taught to us. They know that it is a failed theory. The building blocks of life cannot form accidentally. There is no cosmic mess of failed attempts. Indeed, even with the largest estimates of the age of the universe there has not been enough time for evolution to occur! So, either they must go back to the Bible and believe that the God who created us has revealed Himself to us in order for us to know our origins, or they need a new theory.

The new theory they have chosen is that life on earth came from outerspace! Don't laugh, I'm serious. This is what the leading scientific minds of our generation believe! They are so desperate to disbelieve God (because of sin) that they're spending billions of dollars to find evidence that life on earth was "seeded" from outer space. Of course, they don't address where that life came from, why it left us here alone, or what the meaning of life is supposed to be in light of their theories. It's incredible!

So, NASA and other agancies devote countless hours and billions of dollars to searching for evidence of life outside of earth. Yet, even if they find such evidence, what would it prove? Would it prove that life came from outer space, or merely that there is evidence of life in outer space?

This is the problem with science: it is the testing of theories, not realities. If you have theory you cannot disprove, it is assumed to be true. It doesn't matter if the theory is true or false! It only matters if I can prove it is false. Otherwise, I must assume it is true! Thus, if I theorize that male dinosaurs were pink and female dinosaurs were purple, my theory stands and must be considered "true" until someone can prove it is false. The "life from space" theory of evolution is just as unrealistic and problematic.

Additionally, scientists constantly discount the biblical account of creation. Yet, it cannot be scientifically eliminated. They choose to disbelieve, even though there is no evidence to suggest that Genesis is inaccurate! Scientifically, because you cannot disprove Creationism, one must accept it as truth!

Anyway, just something to think about.


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