
...out of control gas prices, child abuse, judges striking down the will of the people, health insurance premiums, murder, random acts of criminal mischief, child pornography, income tax, slander, trashy Hollywood films, computer viruses, paparazzi, liberally biased media, unfit parents, forced tolerance of sinful behavior, repetitive drunk drivers, false accusations, theft, sexual assault, affirmative action, illegal immigration. the high cost of healthy food, parents who smoke in cars with their children, airport security checkpoints, immoral "art", racism, legalized abortion, 60-hour work weeks, invasive music, hate crimes, elder neglect, door dings, lying to a child, piracy, abusing handicapped parking privileges, religious persecution, telemarketing, identity theft, OPEC, junk mail, infidelity, animal neglect, date rape, Internet spam, being cut off in traffic, welfare abuse, false testimony, cancer, lies in advertising, spousal abuse, tyranny, teaching evolutionary theory as fact, homosexual advocacy on TV, genocide, being mugged, bureaucracy, Playboy, career politicians, broken promises, mis-filled prescriptions, false convictions, manipulation, nepotism, liter, scam artists, vandalism, war crimes, terrorism, being ignored while a clerk answer the phone, insider trading, treaty violations, rewriting history, being bullied, cheating at cards, slavery, corruption, having to pay for a drink on an airline when you aren't allowed to bring your own drink on board,...

I am a hypocrite. Unless I'm completely mistaken, so are you. Merriam-Webster defines hypocrite (from the word for actor) two ways:

1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion

2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

In the first sense, I try not to become false in any appearance of virtue or religion. I try to put my best foot forward generally, but I try not to be false as it regards my flaws or inability to impress God through my religion (man's actions to reach God).

In the second sense, the more general sense, I am sometimes a hypocrite. I do act in ways that contradict what I say I believe. In this, I believe I am in good company. Paul said it this way, "For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I {would} like to {do,} but I am doing the very thing I hate." (Romans 7:15) For example, I believe that part of the fruit of the spirit is self-control. Yet, I sometimes lack self-control. Thus, I am a hypocrite!

There! Now that we've got that argument out of the way, let me move onto what I really want to talk about: Injustice. Each of the things I listed causes our blood to boil, our heart to beat more quickly, and our jaw to tighten. Something about them is wrong, and something inside us knows it. Something inside us needs to do something in response to the evil we see. We know that the right is being abused, the innocent is being taken advantage of, or the truth is being denied. But, what can we do about it?

First, "there is no injustice with God." (Romans 9:14) In fact, as Olivia and I read the Bible together last week, we came upon Proverb 20:23, which teaches us that God hates injustice. But, as a Christian, as one who follows God, how do I respond to injustice when I see it? Since I am not perfect, am I allowed to say anything about it? Am I allowed to speak up against the wrong done? Am I being "judgmental" by calling Sin "Sin"? Am I being a hypocrite when I try to fight against the evil of disrespect, abused power, lawlessness, or inequitable treatment?

Or, do I have not only the right, but an obligation to speak up?

The Bible is clear that injustice is wrong (Exodus 23:2, Deuteronomy 16:19, Luke 7:29). The Bible also makes it clear that God is just (Isaiah 30:18, Jeremiah 33:15, Matthew 12:18). Yet, it says more as well. Scripture teaches us to fight for justice, to bring it into reality's light, and to stand against this sin when we see it (Deuteronomy 16:20, Psalm 37:30, Colosians 4:1).

Now, more than ever before, the world is being divided between the light and the darkness.

"Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy." Revelation 22:11

I want to be on the side of the light. I want to fight against injustice in the world, and in myself. If that makes me a hypocrite than so be it. At least I'll be a hypocrite whose trying to please God.


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