
Showing posts from May, 2008

Why Mars?

Why go to Mars? According to one site the reason is "to search for evidence that elements crucial for life once existed on the planet." Astrobiology. Extraterrestrial. Origins of life. What's the connection? All of them are looking for evidence that the God of the Bible is not the creator of life, therefore bypassing our responsibility before Him! You see, if the Bible is true, and we were created by God, then we are accountable to God for what we do and do not do with our life. If we live as He intends then we fulfill our purpose. However, if we live selfishly and rebel against Him, then we are sinners. This is the choice described by "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." God destined us to glory and we've chosen less; we've chosen ourselves. But, people don't want to be accountable to God, because deep within us we know there is nothing we can do to make up for our sin. So, we try to explain God away using science and theory...


...out of control gas prices, child abuse, judges striking down the will of the people, health insurance premiums, murder, random acts of criminal mischief, child pornography, income tax, slander, trashy Hollywood films, computer viruses, paparazzi, liberally biased media, unfit parents, forced tolerance of sinful behavior, repetitive drunk drivers, false accusations, theft, sexual assault, affirmative action, illegal immigration. the high cost of healthy food, parents who smoke in cars with their children, airport security checkpoints, immoral "art", racism, legalized abortion, 60-hour work weeks, invasive music, hate crimes, elder neglect, door dings, lying to a child, piracy, abusing handicapped parking privileges, religious persecution, telemarketing, identity theft, OPEC, junk mail, infidelity, animal neglect, date rape, Internet spam, being cut off in traffic, welfare abuse, false testimony, cancer, lies in advertising, spousal abuse, tyranny, teaching evolutionary th...

Watch This NOW!

This is one of the key topics of our generation. Even if you disagree with the video, I believe these are the days. If not we ourselves, then our children or grandchildren will have to deal with these End Times realities. In either case, this New Age teaching is dangerous and believers are falling away into it. A New Earth ( see a Christian Review ) is Wrong. Oprah's Theology is False. As Christians, we must proclaim the truth! Matthew 24:23-28 reads: "Then if anyone says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ,' or 'There {He is,}' do not believe {him.} For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I have told you in advance. So if they say to you, 'Behold, He is in the wilderness,' do not go out, {or,} 'Behold, He is in the inner rooms,' do not believe {them.} For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will...

Remembering the Fallen

Today was Holocaust Memorial Day here in Israel. At 10 AM the sirens sounded all over the country and everyone stopped what they were doing. For two minutes people stood beside their cars, traffic lights were ignored, meals were left to get cold or to burn, children stopped playing, music was turned off, and the country stood silent except for the wailing of Rocket Sirens. It is a time set aside to remember those who were murdered in the Nazi concentration camps, especially the Jews. Even as the image settle in your mind, notice that last sentence. "...a time set aside to remember those who were murdered in the Nazi concentration camps, especially the Jews." It is full of truth and political incorrectness. Rememberance in not something that happens automatically. It is not enough to mark a date on the calendar. If we do nothing specific, then we will remember nothing specific. The occasion will become hollow and meaningless, soon filled by marketing, discount sales, and g...