Why Learn Hebrew?
Hello friends, We're still in Israel, having adventure after adventure. Olivia's blog is still the place to go for updates and pictures, so check it out. We're having a lot of fun together, even when things don't go according to plan. Today (for example) we tried to meet some friends of mine for coffee and failed miserably! But, it still turned out to be a good day. I've decided that I really need to get serious about language learning. I knew some Hebrew before I moved to Africa with the IMB , but my Swahili lessons completely eclipsed all former language learning. Bonjour French! Adios Spanish! Antio Greek! L'hitraot Hebrew! Since then, I've been putting it off, but there was a reason I took those languages to begin with, especially the biblical languages. I want to teach God's Word . I can do this in English, of course, and be a good teacher. Many of the translations we have available in English are very accurate, and almost all of them c...