Who can keep up? Jan 6, 2006

I've been reflecting a lot lately on what it looks like to be a Christian in America. I wonder if you've ever done that. Have you ever considered how different our Christian culture is from the world, or not different? Have you considered how easily attached our faith becomes to other things or ideas?I have some friends who are in the midst of a conflict because some of them believe that they have the upperhand in the faith. They are "super Christians" because of what they do. This happens a lot, actually. Sometimes our "Christianity +" is about how many chapters you read from the Bible, how you feel about baptism, or whether you have friends who drink or smoke. But, whatever the plus is, it never seems to be loving, and it almost always comes in the form of some sort of work.We have a hard time accepting the fact that we are messed up. We have a hard time accepting God's grace. It's difficult to be so bare before such a holy consumming fire for so long without wanting to cover up or compare ourselves to other people. So, we "plus", we start adding to our dependance upon God all the things that we happen to be gifted in or passionate about.Jesus says that people will know us by two thing, and as far as I've seen so far in the Scriptures, only two things. First is LOVE. If we don't love, we sin. What I mean is that you can be perfectly correct in your theology on a particular matter, you can be absolutely justified in correcting a brother or sister, you can be righteous in all your activities, but if you do not love, then you are still wrong. Perhaps it is even worse for you than for someone who does not love yet fails to do good, because the world sees the Jesus you are portraying as holy and hateful, which is a terrible combination. Second is FRUIT. This is a manifestation of the love of God in us, and the love we have for God in return. It's circular and concurrent (at the same time). The Fruit of the Spirit is Love, and Love produces Fruit. Now, by fruit, I mean more than just purity and holiness. I mean hospitality, intercession, and helping as well. It's got to go deep. It's got to.So, here's where the rubber meets the road (my thoughts). Politics is the sort of animal that feeds on religious thoughts that do not require consistent action. Officials get elected by claiming to best represent the Kingdom of God, yet once they get elected they do not represent that Kingdom. So, who do you vote for? Well, here's a better question: What are you doing about the situation? I mean seriously, neither the republicans nor the democrats really care about Jesus, not beyond the surface. There are individuals in both parties who are following after Jesus, but the parties are places of conpromise not proclamation. So, what are YOU going to do about it?Here's an idea. Stop! Stop doing the things that you know are a waste of life and the power you bear in the Kingdom. Stop complaining about TV and turn it off. Stop spending more money than you make. Stop contributing to the system of credit that is ruining our country. Stop buying cars that get bad gas milage. Stop ignoring the homeless. Stop waiting for someone else to fix our country. Stop working for companies that don't let you say "Merry Christmas!" Stop watching worthless movies. Stop dating the way that the world dates. Stop isolating yourself from the hurting mases in our city and in the world. Stop thinking your better or worse than you are. Stop shoppign on Sundays. Stop expecting lost people to act like Christians.Here's another idea. Start! Start conversations with other people. Start listening before you speak. Start a budget. Start caring about people. Start acting like Jesus. Start accepting people. Start giving money to people who need it. Start smiling more. Start a Bible Study in your home for people you work with. Start pursuing God instead of a girl or guy, bot just while you are waiting for one.See, the point is to be a different kind of person, be authentic. Love, bear fruit, and be encouraged. Relax and just be the Christian that God saved you in Jesus to be. You be you.Anyway, rambling on I go, but now I'm off to play XBox and save the universe. :-)


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