More news from Nairobi

This is from my friend in Kenya-----------------

Hi All - Thank you so much for your prayers for this country & these people! The rally scheduled for last Thursday was cancelled, re-scheduled a fewtimes, but cancelled every time! Thank you for praying! By Friday, it seemed that people in the country were tiring of the violenceand ready to return to normal life. Personally, we began moving aboutNairobi as usual again over the weekend, so I'm thankful for that sense ofnormalcy! We still get updates from the Embassy each morning that tell usthat police are still heavily deployed and we should excercise caution as wemove about, but the reports also convey calm throughout Kenya. The violence has subsided, but tribal tensions do remain high. In theheavily mixed areas, one tribe has displaced the other. For instance, some400+ Luos in the Tigoni/Limuru area have been driven from their homes andthey've taken refuge at the Tigoni police station. Cornel is still living atour cottage at Bracken (he's Luo). Also, his brother was found in ICU andhe's on the road to recovery. Praise God! Also, I've spoken to Edwin andhe's feeling safer; he no longer has his police escort or guard. And,overall, we are hearing reports of calm throughout the country. However,please continue to pray that tribal bonds will be broken down and neighborscan become neighbors again! Also, Kibaki & Odinga (opposition) have agreedto meet together with the head of the Afrian Union serving as mediator;those meetings will take place this week in Nairobi. Pray for resolution! And, supply trucks have begun moving about the country and aid organizationsare bringing in relief supplies. We have hundreds of thousands of peopledisplaced all over the country, so needs are great! Among the greatest needis food for these displaced people. Brackenhurst Ministries has decided to target the areas that were hit mostheavily in western Kenya. We've also decided to target the smaller groupsof displaced people as those are the groups of people that are beingoverlooked by the larger scale aid efforts. We plan to work through Duncan &Cornel (our Kenyan teammates) and send them with funding to provideimmediate food for some displaced & starving families in Nakuru, Molo, BurntForest, Eldoret, Bungoma, and Kisumu. They will begin travelling on Friday.So, please pray for safety for them as they travel and pray for wisdom asthey will encounter numerous needs in all these areas. Duncan is Kikuyu &Cornel is Luo, so they will be able to protect one another as they travelabout. Also, if you would like to send funds to help buy this relief food,please send your check to Brackenhurst Ministries and note 'relief food' onthe memo line. We've estimated that it will cost approx $17 to feed a familyfor a week. In addition to providing food for these displaced families, we also want toprovide food for the orphans in the Bungoma area. We are working with 13+churches who have started an ECD (Early Childhood Development) & feedingprogram for the orphans in their immediate community. Each of these churchesteaches and feeds approximately 100 orphans per day. And, each of thesechurches needs $25/day to feed the 100+ orphans at their site. If yourSunday School class, small group, or church would like to get involved infeeding these orphans, we'd love your help! $25/day or $750/month will carefor the orphans at one church. And, in Nairobi, as we continue loving our students and other friends, prayfor our conversations! Pray that the Lord will use this crisis to bringthese kids to Himself as He is our hope and bread of life! School openingswere delayed a week, so classes will now begin next Monday. Pray for thesestudents as they wind up their break and for us as we prepare to launch intoanother semester of student ministry. And, as usual, if you know anycollege students that want to serve with us at Camp, send them my way! Thank you again for praying! Please continue praying....while violence hassubsided, the country is still tense and resolution is still to come. And,please pray for all the displaced, hungry, and hurting people! Blessings,Kim Checks for food relief or orphan feeding project can be sent to:Brackenhurst Ministries900 Westpark DriveSuite 300Peachtree City, GA 30269


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