Jesus believes in Me!

Today I saw a video from Mars Hill Church. It was called Dust, and started with the story of Jesus walking on water and Peter trying to walk out to Him. It's a great video, and I definitely recommend it, but at the risk of spoiling the message I want to share what I saw in it: Jesus believes in me!

He called me to be His disciple, to live a life like His, to be like Him, to do the things He does. He believes I can. Somehow, God looked at my life full of pride, selfishness, and lack and He saw something in it that no one else saw. he did the same when He called His first disciples. He called men who weren't good enough to have been called already. They were the 'anybodys', the blue collar, the regular folks. They weren't anywhere near being the best of the best. They were t


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