Life After Roe
Dobbs vs. Jackson has finally overturned Roe vs. Wade and there is much to consider. First, consider that the original ruling was not based on constitutional law but political agenda. Therefore, the new ruling is merely a correction to judicial overreach. Second, consider that there is no such thing as a “safe” abortion, either for the mother or especially for the child whose life is distorted. Abortion is not health care and is never medically necessary. Third, for those of us who are Christians, consider the biblical prohibitions against child sacrifice. I do not believe a “Christian “who supports or advocates the killing of an unborn child has a truly Christian worldview. Now that I have offended those among my fellow countrymen (and family members) who will be offended no matter what I say on this topic, I would like to offer a word of practical encouragement to those of us who actually care about the unborn. An overwhelming number of companies in our nation have chosen to circumve...