I have a new cell phone, one I actually like. There are some apps I don't need (Ok, a lot of them), but I like the phone itself. It's easy to use, has a touch screen, includes a keypad, and can still have an alarm while on silent (my last couldn't). Additionally, it's a cool green color. But, my favorite part of my phone in the photo Olivia loaded onto my start screen for me one night when I wasn't looking. It constantly reminds me of all the things I have to be thankful for. Today, this is especially important. I have my health (inspite of recent sickness), good friends, a family that loves me, a roof over my head, a job I'm good at, a really cool dog (even if she's little), hope for the future, my salvation in Jesus, and Olivia. I hope you have things you are thankful (to God) for as well. Happy Thanksgiving (to God) Day! And, here's the picture Olivia loaded onto my phone. I think it's really cool. (No stealing it, please!)