Fighting Back the Darkness
Like any man, I've always wanted to find a battle worth fighting, good versus evil, right versus wrong, light versus darkness. Of course, also like any man, I automatically assume I'm on the right side of the battle. But, battles are tricky. It's easy to lose your focus and get spun around in the midst of the clashes and attacks. Blows seem to be coming at you from every direction. You feint to the right, engage a second opponent to the left, dodge backwards, dive forwards, turn, strike, block, plunge, turn, block,swing,rollturnswingdiveswingturnblock... and, if you're like me, you sometimes find yourself facing the wrong way, swinging at someone on your own side, attacking your comrade, fighting the right fight against the wrong people. Olivia's lupus is a battle. It isn't just 'like' a battle, it really is a day-in-day-out fight for survival against the worst enemy immaginable. It's not exactly my own battle (though it feels like it sometimes), so...