
Showing posts from December, 2009

God is the reason for everything

. God is the reason for everything that happens in life. His is the end to which all things aim and the beginning from which they all flow. He is the Genesis and the Revelation. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the Beginning and the End; the Past, the Present, and the Future. His breath is the tide of life. His gaze supports the pillars of Time and Eternity. His glory gives purpose to the atom and the universe. His Name is Life’s Goal. God. God. He is complete, final, sustainable, enough. He is Holy. He is the only true Other; the only Uncreated Creator of everything. God is the I AM. God is the basis for every story, the beginning of every hope, the foundation for every societal organism, the truth behind every belief. It all starts with God and (no matter how much we corrupt it, manipulate it, fight it, or ignore it) it will all end with God as well. His is the Great Story. God is the Grand Protagonist. God is the reason for everything that happens in life. Believe ...

The Other Two Crosses

"Then were crucified with him two robbers, one on the right and one on the left...Likewise, the robbers who were crucified with him reproached him." Matthew 27:38,44 "One of the crucified criminals blasphemed him, 'Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself, and us!' But the other rebuked him, saying, 'Don't you fear God? You are under the same judgment. Indeed, we are judged justly, but this man has done nothing wrong.' And he said, 'Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.' And he said to him, 'I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in Paradise.'" Luke 23:39-43 Then what? What was it like for these two men as they watched Jesus die? Have you ever dared to consider it? Did the one hope and fight off doubt as he struggled for each breath? Did he wonder how many more times he would have to press up on the nails in his ankles before he found relief? Did he laugh at the ridiculousness of fighting to live whe...

Having run a Marathon

I haven't written much about my marathon experience, so I wanted to share a few moments with you. I changed corals (start groups) twice trying to get in with a pace group, so I wouldn't run too quickly or too sowly, but when I got to the race there was no pace group in the coral I was in. So, I had to guess at my pace. It ended up being a little fast, which hurt me in the end. The first half of the race felt really good. There were portions here in particular where crowds lined the streets with signs and anxious searching looks and they watched for their family member, friend or loved one to run by. It would have been easy to miss someone, but person after person was found along the way. At mile two I saw Olivia, standing in front of the Alamo. Periodically, there were tables lining both sides of the road filled with cups of water and cytomax (a frankly nasty sports drink) with volunteers handing out cups, talking to each other, and cheering us on like they actually knew wh...