
Showing posts from 2015

Glorious Day

Today my classmates and I were worshiping the Lord together and I had one of those moments... Perhaps you know those moments... You're singing in a group and suddenly you feel the presence of the Lord. It's a very experiential feeling: a chill, a separation from the world around, a feeling of clarity in your voice and power in your shoulders, a sense that your words have power (being created in the image of God). Suddenly, you realize that the overwhelming feeling in your chest is LOVE: love for God in particular, but also a recognition of love from  God.  Since I cannot share that moment with you, at least let me share the words we were singing. I pray that you too will experience those moments. However, even more than that, I pray that you will know the God who makes such moments known. May the Lord bless you today! One day when Heaven is filled with His praises One day when sin was as black as could be Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin Dwelt among men, my example is H...